
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

8 Weeks Check and meeting li'l Jo-ni

Visited the PD regarding Keston's flu and shun bian took his measurements again.

8 Weeks
Length: 59.5cm
Weight: 5.3kg

Our boy is growing so fast. But his hair is growing damn slowly! Still botak after 1 month!!! We're contemplating rubbing brandy on his head...haha

We brought Keston along to Sujia's daughter's full month celebration....and Keston met little Jo-ni for the first time. I hope they'll be friends in the future :)

It's not that obvious here but Keston's got lovely dark eyelashes :)

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Blocked Nose

At around 7 weeks, Keston has finally learned to focus and follow us when we move. Hooray for small miracles! I thought he'd never learn! He's also started smiling when we talk to him or play with him....although only occassionally. The cheeky little bugger likes to fuss around wanting to be carried and when I relent, he actually smiles as if knowing that he's won the battle.

The night feeds are killing us. I'm trying to condition Kes not to wake up before 7am by not feeding him when he wakes between 2-7am. But it's so hard to ignore his wailings in the wee hours.

Check out our eyebags!

Keston's been very fussy the past few days, not sleeping much all day and always needing to be carried. He spits out his pacifier and cries incessantly. At first we thought he was hungry and increased his feeds but later realised that he's got a blocked nose and is just v uncomfy. Poor little thing. Thank God he's much better now or I dunno how long more we can tahan!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Back again!

It's been a long time since I last blogged...I think it was 1 month ago??? Anyways, I figured no one wanted to read a blog with no photos and I was too retarded to realise that I could upload photos straight into blogspot. Thought I had to use an external photo storage to link up and couldn't be arsed to do a thing. The old posts have been updated with photos, and I only just realised that there were comments there too! So don't think that I was not replying...So blur!

We're now so used to the little botak that we can't really imagine him with hair anymore! Keston's hair is growing painfully slow. Thank goodness he looks quite cute without hair as well :P But of course that's me being bias as always.

Full Month Party 24th Aug

It went smoothly and was pretty much uneventful for Keston, since he was asleep the whole time!!! He even went without his usual makan time just so he didn't need to open his eyes! I tried sitting him up and disturbing him but he just refused to wake up! We came to the conclusion that he's quite dao and can't be bothered to meet people who want to meet him.

Stats Update:

At 6 weeks, Keston took his 6-in-1 vaccination jabs. At the same time, he kenna abit of flu so he was given some eyedrops. He wailed when the needle went in..and stopped when he got some milk. He was so traumatised by the jab that he slept the whole day away. I've heard that babies either get real cranky or sleepy after taking the jab. Luckily he fell into the latter category.

Weight: 5kg (plus/minus) he basically put on a huge chunk of weight, probably from overfeeding!

Height: 37cm

I started slinging K in the babysling my sis got me from momsinmind. He loves it and almost always falls asleep in it. It's really good for times when he just wants to be cuddled as it frees up my hands to surf the net while still giving him some TLC :)

We realised that K sleeps much better while lying on his front. He doesn't get startled so often. The downside is that we're afraid he'll suffocate so we have to keep watch while he sleeps. He has quite strong neck muscles and can lift his head quite high and for quite long.