3 Days ago, 1st of April, April Fool's Day....Keston started going to Infantcare. It's hardly considered a 'milestone', and yet something I would always remember.
About a week prior to that, HW was already trying to discuss what things we have to bring to the center and me, being in denial, refused to talk to him. Our conversations would go like this:
HW: Do you think we should bring his blanket?
Me: To where?
HW: To the infa...
HW: You have to face up to it.
Me: Shut up!
....and I'll quick proceed to busy myself with something else.
And then the night before the fateful day, reality suddenly hit me on the head and I broke down. I couldn't believe the little boy had to go and spend the day with a bunch of strangers...and then I started worrying that he'll cry non-stop the whole day, wouldn't drink or eat, etc.
The first day, I spent some time sitting with him inside the infants play area....until the teacher shoo-ed me out to sit somewhere where he couldn't see me. Keston wailed so loudly, I could hear him distinctively from far across the room. I think he cried for 30mins before he gave way to exhaustion and fell asleep...but not for long, he woke up shortly and began crying again. Poor boy. He couldn't understand why he wasn't spending the day at his paternals...to be honest, neither can I. When I went to pick him up in the evening, I was told that he refused to drink milk all day!!! OMG, the only milk he had was when he woke up in the morning....he actually went on a hunger strike! And when I saw him, he was sitting by himself while the rest of the babies were kindda sitting together. Again, I was traumatised and imagined he was ostracised for being the new kid. I know it probably isn't true, but still...
The 2nd day was slightly better...at least he drank some milk. Far from his usual amounts, but at least he drank something! And he even took a short nap right about the time I came to get him. However, I noticed that he'd become even stickier than usual. He wanted me (only me) to carry him all the time. If I tried to put him down to sit/lie, he'd start wailing and big drops of tears would stream down his face. And I'm not even walking away from him, I'm just putting him down next to me!!! Poor kiddo thinks mummy's abandoning him...
Today, the 3rd day...he was much better. Although still not drinking his usual amount of milk...he did drink abit more. And he even managed to take naps! And when he came home, he even allowed me to put him down on his playmat while I wash his bottles. Thank God Keston's adjusting well.
Yesterday, we also brought Keston for his pneumococcal jab. He was being his normal cheeky self...until the needle went in. He cried so loudly! And then when the doc withdrew the needle, he stopped promptly and blinked back his tears. He even smiled at the doc...heh! Funny kid. Stats wise....
At 8mths 5days,
Length = 71cm
Weight = 8.45kg
I was checking the growth chart and it seems his length is in the 75th percentile while his weight is in the 50-75th percentile.