
Friday, September 3, 2010

Another school excursion

On the last week of every school term, K's school will have a school excursion. This term, they were going to the Zoo. As always, we eagerly signed him up. Teacher Stella asked if any of us would be accompanying K and we said No. Privately, we did discuss tailing them to make sure nothing went wrong.

This was when I realised that we had very different parenting attitudes. HW, on the outside, seems like a 'harder' parent. I probably come across as a doting mum. In actual fact, I am very laid back and HW is the more kan cheong one. When K kenna HFMD from infantcare, HW's immediate reaction was to withdraw him from infantcare. I was like "Huh? Must withdraw ah?" On this occasion, even though we both agreed not to tail them, HW will keep bringing up the issue every 5 mins "Sure we're not following?"...."What if he runs around and falls down?"...."So many kids, the teachers can handle or not?"....and so on...I would usually give an exasperated sigh and tell him everything will be fine....the teachers know what they're doing, blah blah.

And then when I was blog hopping, I found a mummy saying she did not allow her son (who was just short of turning 3) to go on an excursion because it was not parent-accompanied, citing "(name) is not even THREE!"

Oh dear, and there I am, rejecting a chance to accompany K on his excursion....and he's just turned TWO! Oh wait...I already let him go on a school excursion alone when he was just 22months!!! What must people think of me?