
Friday, March 13, 2009

Sitting up is such a chore

Over the past week or 2, Keston has finally started sitting up by himself. He used to slump with his hands on either side of his legs and gradually end up with his face between his feet. But now he straightens his back for abit and is able to sit for a short while. Oh well, at least we're getting there.

Before Keston was born, I was convinced he's gonna be a clever kid. After all, I'm smart (and very thick-skinned) so he must get my smart genes too! But when he didn't start flipping at 3mths, didn't start crawling till 7mths, and didn't start sitting much earlier....I changed my tune to "He's just taking his time to perfect each act!"

Even so, I find myself saying things like "Why are other babies sitting so steadily and Keston can't?" To which, HW will always remind me that I said Keston does things in his own time. I guess I should really stop being so kiasu and accept that Keston will reach his milestones when he's ready.

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