
Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Happy CNY! We're not really into the whole CNY-dong dong chiang type of stuff. I've never really done visiting my whole life...well, maybe when I was little and my grandparents were still around, I might have gone with for abit of house hopping. But for the larger part of my life, I've never really visited anyone's homes during CNY. When HW and I got married, I was happy to learn he didn't have such a habbit either.
So I guess li'l K's gonna grow up without experiencing the whole 恭喜发财,红包拿来 thingy. Heck lah.I wanted to dress him up in traditional cheena garbs but I couldn't find anything I like. See, Keston is very tanned and so, he doesn't look good in deep, dark colours. Which means, the royal blue I like so much is out. He doesn't look good in the golden-yellowish tone normally seen on the boys' costumes either. And we couldn't really come to a conclusion what colour suits him...and so in the end, no ching chong costumes. Gah. We got a pigtail hat though, which he refused to wear. Ah well. No surprise there.I think the little boy really enjoyed having Daddy and Mummy with him for the past ermm...4.5 days. He's been babbling/talking more and really progressing with his puzzles. However, he's also developed some strange habbits. For a start, he says ball-ball with renewed vigour. HW swears he heard Keston say apple....and to be honest, I think I heard it a couple of times too when he was eating apple, but it's really soft so I can't be sure and don't want to be too optimistic.He's finally gotten round to playing with his wooden animal puzzles-- you know, those pieces of animals with wooden knobs where you place on designated spaces on a wooden board. He used to get so frustrated when he can't get the orientation right and can't fit in the animals and will proceed to just fling it aside. But now, he's so fast at fitting it all in. He can fit in 7 out of the 10 pieces...cos if we take all 10 pieces out, he gets no motivation in completing it. We have to leave a few pieces in. Well, he has done all 10 pieces before but most of the time, when we remove all the pieces he just turns away.
Last week I was trying to teach him to nod his head for yes. Like 'Wanna go gai gai?' and I'll man-handle his head and force him to nod...didn't really work :P Ironically, all of a sudden he's shaking his head. It's not 100% accurate yet but I'd say 70-80% of the time when he shakes his head, he really means no. When he wants to say yes, he just doesn't do a thing or tries to reach out instead.

The very undesirable habbit he'd started is banging his head. When he doesn't get what he wants, when he gets frustrated with whatever he's playing with, when he's mad at us...he sits on the floor and slowly drops his head to conk the floor. I've read that it's fairly common and not to give any reaction to it so he'd stop using it to get his way, but it's hard not to!

I didn't take much photos for him this year...cos a few days before CNY, he knocked his head massively and had a huge balugu in the middle of his forehead! :( It looks so horrible so I couldn't bear to take any photos. Seems like he always kenna some mishaps during CNY. Last year, he woke up on 初一 with massive mozzie bites all over his face! This year, a huge bruise on his forehead...sigh~

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