
Sunday, May 23, 2010


It's been a week of firsts.

On Thursday, when we reached school and HW was getting Keston out of the car seat...the little bugger did not start whining/wailing. Instead, he waved at me and gave me a flying kiss. When HW put him down in the class, he did not cling on either and gamely waved and blew kisses at HW. I was ecstatic and updated on my FB..but later on feared that I'd probably jinxed myself. Too late!

Thankfully Friday went the exact same way. Our kid has finally gotten accustomed to school!!!

For a long long time, one of my main worries, aside from his speech that Keston does not drink from a straw. I tried all sorts of straw (spongy type, regular Macdonalds type, fat bubble tea type, teeny yakult type...) and all he'd do is chew on the straw. Believe me, I tried all the techniques of dripping juice/water into his mouth and blah blah blah. But nothing worked! Once the straw was in his mouth, he'd chew till it went to bits.

Although I was fretting quite abit, I must admit I wasn't very consistent in getting him on the straw. I'd try relentlessly for 2 days and give up for the next month...and then start worrying and make him try for a day and then give up for the next month!

Knowing that he would never start sucking cos he'd rather obvious solution would be to get him a steel or glass straw. But I never got down to it....also, HW keeps insisting that he's gonna bite the glass and there would be glass bits in his mouth.

Anyway a while ago, I saw this cute Mickey Mouse straw cup from The First Years on Amazon and read that the straw was the hard type. So what the hell right? Another straw cup to add to my collection....I received the package a couple of weeks ago but couldn't be bothered to let him try. On Friday, I was abit free so I gave it to him and voila~ HE DRANK FROM THE STRAW!!!!
So yah, Keston's finally drinking from the straw at almost 22months!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your straw story is so funny ... but keston is really doing great at school. bernice still cries when I drop her off.. but it only last like for 2 mins then she's ok and playing already.. ahhaha