
Friday, May 28, 2010

Parents-Teachers Conference

On the 27th of May, we had our first PTC aka Meet the teachers session.

This was our chance to find out more about how Keston was doing in school and how he's progressing. He didn't get a very good report book due to his inability to vocalise. Teacher Stella said none of the boys in the junior class were talking yet, which is a small consolation. Overall, he seems to be adapting ok in class. He tends to run around, not wanting to sit down (as expected). He enjoys the outdoor activities, singing and dancing and he's started feeding himself (we don't really let him try at home cos too mafan :P) and he has a girl looking after him in school. We were told this little girl in the senior class has been making it her responsibility to take care of him ever since he started school. She'll bring him toys, sayang him...and even FEED him!!!! Hahaha...hilarious! We've seen her after school and sometimes she comes over to stroke Keston's arm before leaving with her grandpa.

Teacher mentioned that we should try to stop his signing so he will need to talk to get what he wants/needs.

Hopefully we'll have a less painful transition period when school starts next term. And hopefully Keston will start talking. Soon! Ball, Duck, Bird, Mama, Papa, There, Dada, is not quite enough!


Anonymous said...

do the teachers really think signing hinders speech development ? it's very interesting to know more ..

The Never Bored Mom said...

I don't think they meant that signing in general hinders speech development, rather that Keston is in his comfort zone, signing to get what he needs/wants and thus, he does not see the need to verbalise himself.