First up, here's wishing all a Happy and Prosperous CNY!
It's been abit of a nightmare for Keston.
It started on Chu Yi morning, we woke up to find Keston's face full of mozzie bites! Yes...we slacked on sticking the mozzie patches and he got a massive attack again! First day of New Year can? How to see people? So ugly!
Then I decided to start on semi-solids since he'll be turning 6 mths in 2 days time. Disaster! Keston stuck his tongue out to prevent the spoon from going in. Which is really really strange, cos he's usually extremely interested when he sees us eating. When I'm eating something and I bring it near his mouth, his usual reaction would be to open his mouth and gravitate towards the food. But he refused to let the cereal go anywhere near his mouth.
Went to the in-laws for lunch and the boy got very restless and refused to stay still. Tried to give him milk but he rejected and just kept whining/crying. We couldn't eat in peace...finally he took his milk and was satisfied for awhile but needed me to carry him all the time.
He took a long nap(2+hrs) in the afternoon and we decided to bring him swimming. We haven't brought him swimming in abt 2mths and we were worried that he's gonna be afraid of water. The water was a little cold, but much warmer than the last few times. Keston whined and cried so loudly everytime we tried to put him in. I think it took a good half an hour before we managed to get him emerged into the water. Once in the water, Keston was just okay...not really happy like last time but looked like he was just tolerating it. After that he took a nap again, 1 hour I think.
Come night time, we went to my parents for dinner. And again, Keston started acting up and whining/crying non-stop. Again, could not eat in peace. When we reached home, it took a fairly short time for him to fall asleep.
I guess he could be tired but there weren't that much activities going on and he did nap well throughout the day!!
Chu Er, he woke up in a good mood. But then again, Keston always wakes up in a good mood. Took his milk and played. Tried to feed him cereal and failed again. So depressing. Went to in-laws for lunch. He seemed to be better today, just sitting in my lap and looking around quietly. Lunch wasn't ready yet so we had to wait the time lunch was ready, it was Keston's feeding time as well. So I had to feed him while everyone's eating. He seemed quite satisfied after feeding so I laid him down on the mattress and went back to eat. Took a couple of mouthfuls before Keston started acting up again!!! So had to take turns with HW to carry him and eat. Mil took over for awhile, then Bil's wife also helped carry him while we finish our lunch. Keston got increasingly agitated and I guessed he wanted to sleep but it was too noisy. HW's auntie's family was there plus he had an active toddler nephew running around. Minutes after they left, Keston fell asleep in my arms.
We quickly went home to let Keston have a good nap. He woke up for abit when I put him down on the bed but went back to sleep for 2+hrs. Then we decided to go HMV to look see. I tell you, this is the best bit! Keston was soooo guai throughout the time in HMV. He had his eyes wide open, looking at everything and not making a single sound! But he was so guai that we got v uneasy and suspicious so kept checking his diapers but there wasn't anything. Then eventually he fell asleep in the stroller, no pacifier, no nothing!
Next we went my parents home for dinner. Keston woke up in the car, but was in quite a pleasant mood. Reached home and he was still okay....then slowly slowly the whining and crying started. AGAIN! Cannot have dinner in peace...he was supposed to have his last feed at 8.30 but he was making so much noise that I fed him at 8. His usual feed is 200ml but he was still cranky after 200ml so I gave him an additional 40ml and he was STILL cranky. But I don't think it's hunger cos that's alot more I'm adding. He refused to sit still to burp and we had abit of a struggle. Finally managed to burp him and then he goes and reguritate a big portion of the additional 40ml! One second he's all happy and sweet looking, the next sec he's going red in the face trying to squeeze his tears out....blink and he's back to being calm and innocent.
Quickly went home, wiped down and he fell asleep almost immediately!!!
We think he could be teething again, but not v sure. The funny thing is the teeth I felt on his gums last time seem to have disappeared! I don't see the white bits anymore!! HW says he feels something on his upper gums but the angle's abit strange for me to see anything. So sian, can't enjoy this holiday with Keston properly. 2 more days of hols and I hope he's better tomorrow.
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