
Monday, November 17, 2008

Finally..the perfect teat!

When Keston first started bottle feeding, we were very duh parents. We knew that newborns should start with latex teats but for some strange reason, we didn't know that bottles did not come with the correct teat, nor did we know that latex teats were yellow in colour so we kindda stared at our bottle teats and wondered if they were latex or silicone. Anyway Keston took to the Lindam teats we had and later, the Pigeon ones that came with the PES (BPA-free) bottles. We then got down to buying pacifiers for him and this time we remembered that infants like latex so we got latex pacifiers for him....and there we were wondering why he hated his pacifiers so much when we gave it to him about 2 weeks into his life. (In case you're still wondering, it's cos he's already gotten used to the hardness of silicon teats so the latex pacifier's not shiok for him).

Anyway, I digress. This post is about finding the perfect? Right after Keston turned 3 mths old, we started noticing that he was taking up to an hour for each feed! That's ridiculously long even if he doesn't fuss at all and would willingly suck for an hour. Then (again duh!) we suddenly remembered that teats came in different sizes and it was possibly time to change to the medium size. So we got out our Lindam and Pigeon Medium size teats and happily changed all the existing teats. But the M teats were too fast for Keston. He'd take a regular suck and his mouth would be flooded with milk and the milk kept leaking onto his neck which got him v frustrated. We tried for 2 weeks and it was still a half-half situation. Sometimes it leaked bad, sometimes it just leaked a little. I was getting v fed-up especially when I read that babies usually take a couple of days to make the transition!!!

Yesterday when we were browsing in Taka's baby section, something caught my eye in the Pigeon section. I saw the words 'LEAK PROOF' and my face lit up. See, Pigeon has this 'Y' size teats which I never figured out what it meant. I mean 'S' means Small, 'M' means Medium, 'L' means Large...wth does 'Y' stand for? I remember asking HW and he said Youth. Erm...right.
Anyway I still dunno what Y stands for but I do know these are crosscut teats in which milk only flows when the baby sucks. It's so fantastic! I've been using them all day today and the feeds have been fantastic!!! No more crying and wiping all through the feed.

Now I have to worry what happens when he outgrows the Y teats since it only says 3mths+...nevermind, one thing at a time.

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